Ye olde binary clock. Just pure and simple. I love them so. I love the shapes they form, I could stare at them all day. I made this for those times when I'm somewhere remote and I just need something to bring me happiness.
It's actually kind of a base-12 clock, but also all sorts of other bases. I made it using Canvas. Bonus: When you refresh the page, the color pallette changes to some new wacky colors. The inner circle pulses every second, then it kind of "breathes" in and out every 15 seconds. The next circle out grows at every 1/4 minute until a full minute elapses and then it disappears again. The next cicle out kind of splits itself every minute for 5 minutes and then resets - like 00 its nothing, then 01 it is in half, 02 it is in 1/4s, 03 it is in 6ths, 04 it is in 1/8s, and then it starts over. The next circle out is for every 20 minutes, so that circle is split into fifths, and those kind of get wider as time passes. The next circle is for every 3 hours, which is only useful if you reference the next biggest circle tracks which third of the day you are in, you know, for 8 hrs rest, 8hrs work, 8hrs play, because that is an important breakdown, so that is visible, but also kind of hard to track, so you have to pair it with the circle that shifts every 6 hours. The largest circle just tells you whether it is AM or PM. It's really cool! You just have to watch it for a reeeeealllly long time to appreciate it.
This one makes a little more sense because it is broken apart into seconds, minutes, and hours. So it is slightly easier to tell what time it is. Pro tip: count the seconds though to see what the minutes and hours mean. But I also left the text visible. So it is actually really easy to figure out what time it is. I mean, not easier than looking at an actual clock. But it is pretty, and that is what counts.