Some calculators. One that takes 255 values and converts them to percentages. Another that does RGB to HSI conversions. Another roughly does x,y to RGB, and one that could help you if you need to change the dim curve of a light after the level has been set.
Super handy for when you left your computer at home but you still need to send out a labor log. It makes a fancy PDF that you can send off to payroll or even mark up with your signature if you are so inclined. Also, handy programming trick: it only prints the names you have entered and you can copy rows if you scroll over to the right.
Are you getting ready to take your ETCP exam for entertainment electrician? Check out this handy dandy set of quizzes and toys. Some are definitely more important than others.
This isn't really a tool anymore, but it was at one point. It is still pretty cool. And if you print out all the overheads, you can fold the paper into a tiny mockup of the spaceman set. like a 3d magic sheet. plus you can view the pretty epic patch list (just for practicals) with all the little blinky LEDs and their voltages and location
I made this using canvas and I thought it was a brilliant way to show how a tenth of an hour breaks down. Plus you can see what tenth of the hour it is at that exact moment. But it isn't really very useful because ultimately all that matters is that we are paid in tenths on some contracts, not that we start or finish in tenths. Like, call could be 7:15 am, with lunch at 1:15 pm, back in at 1:45 pm, and out at 5:45 pm and it would just be a 10 hour day, no adjustments necessary. Heck, you could be out at 5:46 and you'd get paid for 10.1 hours. Who really cares what tenth of the hour you are in? not me! But the clock is cool! Also, you can see that I had big plans for other clocks but ran out of steam... maybe some day.
I small collection of useful calculators I made a long time ago for meal penalties and overtime.
Some wikis I started hoping to get the community involved, I wanted to build the foundation first and then start and then throw them out to the world, but that was an epic undertaking and I haven't made much progress. Maybe some kind souls will join in the quest